it's only the beginning..whatever they strive for,we'll always be there..that's our promise to be with jaejoong,yoochun & junsu

Sunday, October 31, 2010

[twitter]junsu baby really miss his old friend,hyukjae~

he started to feel depress at this moment:

@ 대만엔 내가원하는 치킨이없는듯..ㅠ
►kangsungpil | Taiwan doesn't have the chicken that I like..ㅠ

어느날 우리 은혁님께서..방송에서 내가 술을 마셨다고..그말이 와전되어서 내가 술을 즐겨마시는걸로 되어버렸어..켁..확실히 말하지만..난 술을 마셔본적이있을뿐이지 지금도 난 좋아하지않고 마시지않아 ~ ㅋ얘기하다보니 우리 혁재가 보고싶네..에긍
One day our Eunhyuk said in a program that I drank... that I liked drinking was a misinterpretation..ugh..though he did really say it..t'was only that I've tried drinking,not like I like drinking or I really do drink~ㅋ&now that we've talked about it,I miss Hyukjae.aigoo

방금..호텔방안에서..콘서트때 첫 선보일 곡의 가사를 썼어..왜이렇게 뜬금없이 예전 생각이 물씬 나는지..
Just now..inside the hotel room... the first song we will show off is a song I wrote.. Why is it that out of nowhere the atmosphere felt like bringing back old memories...

오늘은 이 슬픈기억을 소중히 하며 잠들어야지...
Today I have to sleep as I cherish this sad memory

오늘 내 마음..그날 콘서트장에서 .........들려줄께
At the concert venue on that day, I will let you hear how my heart felt today...

2010.10.31 오전2시29분의...지금 이 순간 나의 마음을.
2010.10.31 2:29 AM... Right now at this moment, my heart....

after that,he finally followed @AllRiseSilver in twitter!!

today's tweet:

@ 우리의 대주교 영기형!!팔로우 했어요^^
►poimin73 | Our archbishop Younggi hyung! I followed you^^

@ 야!!신하야!!!!
5.25 pm KST 101031
►AllRiseSilver | Ya! Trustworthy(servant) one!!!

@ 과찬의 말씀이십니다....우리 꼭 다시 같은 무대에 서요 형!!!그날을 기다릴께요^^
 6.02pm KST 101031
►poimin73 | You're very generous with your compliments... Let's definitely stand on the same stage again, hyung!!! I'll wait for that day ^^

trans by: jyunshyu @twitter
shared by: atenjaejoong


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