it's only the beginning..whatever they strive for,we'll always be there..that's our promise to be with jaejoong,yoochun & junsu

Friday, November 12, 2010

[photo+trans] 101113 jaesu's twitter update

오늘 너무힘을쏟아부어 피곤한유천이 오늘 공연장과밖까지와준 6000명의팬들너무 고마워 ..이래서 스테이지를 포기할수없어 ..! 아직촬영 하나남았다힘내자! 
[trans] Tired Yoochun-i who used up all his strength today... To the 6000 people who came to the venue and even outside, thank you very much.We cannot give up performing on the stage because of this..! The taping's the only one left, let's be strong! 

junsu's trans:
나의 슬픔이 오늘 너희들로인해 행복해졌어..그래..너희들땜에 더 힘낼께..고마워 정말~!!
[trans] My sadness has turned into happinness through all of you today..that's right..because of all of you I will be stronger..thank you, really~!!
안엔 들어오지 못하고 밖에서 기다리신 팬분들만3000명..함께하지 못해서 넘 미안하고 그 큰 사랑 진심으로 감사드립니다...
[trans] The 3000 people who can't go inside and had to wait outside... I'm really sorry that you weren't able to join and I sincerely am very grateful for the great love you gave us...
credit to: jaejoong's twitter + joe jjang @twitter
shared by: atenjaejoong

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