All hail the almighty Kim Junsu. Bow down mere mortals. BOW.
(Junsu) Hi! (11:37am KST)
Source: [Junsu's Twitter]
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it's only the beginning..whatever they strive for,we'll always be there..that's our promise to be with jaejoong,yoochun & junsu
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
[trans] 110305 JYJ twitter updates
Dear Kim Jaejoong. It is 4am. Do I need to be any more obvious than that? SLEEP.
(Jaejoong) Today marked the birth of another J.y composition. It is a joyous event to create new songs. (3:56am KST)
(Jaejoong) Junsu, giving his all (4:02am KST)
Source: [Jaejoong's Twitter]
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(Jaejoong) Today marked the birth of another J.y composition. It is a joyous event to create new songs. (3:56am KST)
(Jaejoong) Junsu, giving his all (4:02am KST)
Source: [Jaejoong's Twitter]
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[trans] 110303 JYJ twitter updates
Cat Lady parade~ \o/
(Junsu) Bakira is passed out~ lol (12:47pm KST)
(Junsu) Leo and Casillas together and getting along~ haha Guys, come down from this hyung's bed immediately..!!!! (12:48pm KST)
Source: [Junsu's Twitter]
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(Junsu) Bakira is passed out~ lol (12:47pm KST)
(Junsu) Leo and Casillas together and getting along~ haha Guys, come down from this hyung's bed immediately..!!!! (12:48pm KST)
Source: [Junsu's Twitter]
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[trans] 110228 JYJ twitter updates
Ah the Soccer King is still hyped up after the game ^^
(Junsu) Today was our first official match! I feel so great because we won^^ Because of the people supporting us today, I felt stronger than usual during the second half.. Thank you! FC MEN fighting~~ (11:30pm KST)
Source: [Junsu's Twitter]
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(Junsu) Today was our first official match! I feel so great because we won^^ Because of the people supporting us today, I felt stronger than usual during the second half.. Thank you! FC MEN fighting~~ (11:30pm KST)
Source: [Junsu's Twitter]
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[trans] 110227 JYJ twitter updates
Party Aftermath
(Fukutaro) I'm going to rest well today... I've pushed too hard in the past two days (..) Sorry to all members that assembled here today!! I'm more fun in my normal condition ☆…!! The '85 meetings are the best!! (Laughs) (5.21am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Thank you for yesterday~ Rest well today (^-^)(10.45am KST)
Why do these children not sound like they’re 26?!
(Shirota) @UN1982 @mjjeje Next time, Nao nao should participate in such funny topics (as well)( ´∀`) (Laughs) (11.07am KST)
(Naoya) @U_and_YOU So I'm Nao nao! (Laughs) I wanted to go yesterday~. @mjjeje(11.08am KST)
(Shirota) @UN1982 It flows when you say Nao Nao! Or….. Ya ya (*´д`*) @mjjeje(11.10am KST)
(Naoya) @U_and_YOU Ya ya! Hahaha! I’m laughing. But Jejung is Je je! Or…. N n? (Laughs) @mjjeje (11.12am KST)
(Shirota) @UN1982 @mjjeje Nao nao, Je je, Yu yu…. What is this mess!ヽ(#`Д´)ノ(12.04pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU @un1982 I’m at the airport. Thanks for yesterday~ (12.05pm KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje @un1982 Thank you too! Take care~! (o゚▽゚)o (12.10pm KST)
(Naoya) @mjjeje Let’s meet next time~! (12.14pm KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje( ´∀`) (12.17pm KST)
Byebye JaeChun~ Come back to Japan soon~
(Jaejoong) @akionosuke It was fun. Thank you~Iwama –san! (12.07pm KST)
(Akio) @mjjeje Thank you for coming here to play~!! It was fun~!! Come back to play any time!! (12.43pm KST)
(NOTE: For the Japanese translations, the posts were slightly edited to remove the RTs of the original message for some of the tweets)
Source: [Jaejoong+ Others' Twitter]
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(Fukutaro) I'm going to rest well today... I've pushed too hard in the past two days (..) Sorry to all members that assembled here today!! I'm more fun in my normal condition ☆…!! The '85 meetings are the best!! (Laughs) (5.21am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Thank you for yesterday~ Rest well today (^-^)(10.45am KST)
Why do these children not sound like they’re 26?!
(Shirota) @UN1982 @mjjeje Next time, Nao nao should participate in such funny topics (as well)( ´∀`) (Laughs) (11.07am KST)
(Naoya) @U_and_YOU So I'm Nao nao! (Laughs) I wanted to go yesterday~. @mjjeje(11.08am KST)
(Shirota) @UN1982 It flows when you say Nao Nao! Or….. Ya ya (*´д`*) @mjjeje(11.10am KST)
(Naoya) @U_and_YOU Ya ya! Hahaha! I’m laughing. But Jejung is Je je! Or…. N n? (Laughs) @mjjeje (11.12am KST)
(Shirota) @UN1982 @mjjeje Nao nao, Je je, Yu yu…. What is this mess!ヽ(#`Д´)ノ(12.04pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU @un1982 I’m at the airport. Thanks for yesterday~ (12.05pm KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje @un1982 Thank you too! Take care~! (o゚▽゚)o (12.10pm KST)
(Naoya) @mjjeje Let’s meet next time~! (12.14pm KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje( ´∀`) (12.17pm KST)
Byebye JaeChun~ Come back to Japan soon~
(Jaejoong) @akionosuke It was fun. Thank you~Iwama –san! (12.07pm KST)
(Akio) @mjjeje Thank you for coming here to play~!! It was fun~!! Come back to play any time!! (12.43pm KST)
(NOTE: For the Japanese translations, the posts were slightly edited to remove the RTs of the original message for some of the tweets)
Source: [Jaejoong+ Others' Twitter]
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[trans] 110226 JYJ twitter updates
So I'm guessing this is Jaejoong's way of saying that he DIDN'T dream of Gun Young... XD
(Gun Young) @mjjeje Dream of me (2:03am KST)
(Jaejoong) @zerotic0124 I was so tired last nightㅜㅠ (11:50am KST)
The one with Jaejoong’s Kansai dialect
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 @un1982 Eh, Is Ayu in America now? (11.49am KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Yes (^_−)−☆ (11.52am KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 I see, I’ll be in Japan until tomorrow today. It’s been fun (^-^)/ (12.16pm KST) (T/N: That’s what he said. Really.)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje When is that? (12.22pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 My Japanese is all over the place ~Horrified face~(12.36pm KST) (T/N: He used a Kansai dialect)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje But that is Jejung’s good point ♪ Why did you use Kansai dialect? (Laughs) (12.39pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Kansai dialect… I don’t know, it just suddenly came out. (Laughs) (12.42pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje You’re soaring ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪Its good, that feeling♪ (12.51pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 You know, I’m going back tomorrow. Different printing ( T_T)\(12.55pm KST) (T/N: He said “すりちがえ" – which can be read as "different printing" but he meant to say“すれちがえ – "just missed each other”- he’ll get it right later)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje My stomach hurts, Teacher Jejung, different printing!!!!!!! (1.02pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Never mind never mind~( ´ ▽ ` ) (1.05pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Which one? (Laughs) (1.06pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Tsk……Just missed each other and the stomach hurting! Maybe them both? (1.11pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Oops! Can’t be understood Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ (1.13pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Teacher Jejung, your level is too high its dangerous.(1.14pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Teacher Ayu…sorry. My Japanese is strange….(laughs) I’m off to work for now (^-^)/ (1.18pm KST)
Soulmate outing today~
(Jaejoong) Yoochun's here, I'll be going now^^ (1:12pm KST)
Jaejoong misses Junsu (what's new?) and his fear of English rears its ugly head... hehe
(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Junsu, are you doing well in your shows? (1:02pm KST)
(Junsu) @mjjeje The show's about to start~ You two are doing your jobs well too, right?? I'll be going now^^ (2:32pm KST)
(Jaejoong) Go, Junsu^^ Do well like you always do and I miss you! (4:26pm KST)
(John/English Tweet) @mjjeje Oh my god.... What are you doing bro??! That's hilarious. You're such a joker!!! ^^ kekeke (4:28pm KST)
(John/English tweet) @mjjeje Do you understand my English??^^ (4:29pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @elbowyeish Don't put me through such tests, hyung haha (4:31pm KST)
Any chance you'll come to Dubai? *puppy eyes*
(Jaejoong) Going to Korea tomorrow. (9:43pm KST)
Jaejoong and Fukutaro shows Shirota the Way of Twitter
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU Hey, hey~ (12.29am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje Yes, yes~ヽ(´ー`)ノ(12.30am KST)
(Fukutaro) @mjjeje Hey, Hey~ (Laughs) @U_and_YOU (12.30am KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU Let’s use twitter a lot! ~smiley face~ (12.31am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 What! (Laughs) (12.32am KST)
(Fukutaro) @mjjeje Interruption MAX!!! (12.33am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje Uhm, uhm, why are we using twitter even though we’re all together? (Laughs) (12.34am KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU This is the fun of twitter. (Laughs) (12.35am KST)
(Fukutaro) @U_and_YOU Because this is fun (Laughs) @mjjeje (12.35am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje I see~. I will learn from my seniors! Kamsahamnida (*´д`*)(12.36am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Well~ (Laughs) (12.38am KST)
(Fukutaro) @mjjeje Having a conversation on twitter (Laughs) It’s interesting (Laughs)(12.40am KST)
(Fukutaro) @U_and_YOU (Laughs) The twitter conversation is finally over (^^)/(1.11am KST)
(Fukutaro) Let’s talk a bit on twitter later(Laughs) ♪?( ̄ε ̄) @U_and_YOU @mjjeje(1.15am KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU From now on your name is Yu yu (Laughs)(1.15am KST) (T/N: Shirota’s full name is Yu Shirota)
(Fukutaro)@mjjeje So its Yu yu~ It’s a cute name (*≧m≦*)(1.16am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Should your name be Fuku Fuku then? (1.16am KST)
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje Yes!! That’s right ('-^*)(1.17am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje So that means! Your name is Jeje( ´∀`)(1.25am KST)
(NOTE: For the Japanese translations, the posts were slightly edited to remove the RTs of the original message for some of the tweets)
I fear this child of ours is a lil' tipsy *twiddles fingers*
(Jaejoong) Nice to see you guys (4:06am KST)
Source: [Jaejoong+Junsu+Others' Twitter]
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(Gun Young) @mjjeje Dream of me (2:03am KST)
(Jaejoong) @zerotic0124 I was so tired last nightㅜㅠ (11:50am KST)
The one with Jaejoong’s Kansai dialect
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 @un1982 Eh, Is Ayu in America now? (11.49am KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Yes (^_−)−☆ (11.52am KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 I see, I’ll be in Japan until tomorrow today. It’s been fun (^-^)/ (12.16pm KST) (T/N: That’s what he said. Really.)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje When is that? (12.22pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 My Japanese is all over the place ~Horrified face~(12.36pm KST) (T/N: He used a Kansai dialect)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje But that is Jejung’s good point ♪ Why did you use Kansai dialect? (Laughs) (12.39pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Kansai dialect… I don’t know, it just suddenly came out. (Laughs) (12.42pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje You’re soaring ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪Its good, that feeling♪ (12.51pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 You know, I’m going back tomorrow. Different printing ( T_T)\(12.55pm KST) (T/N: He said “すりちがえ" – which can be read as "different printing" but he meant to say“すれちがえ – "just missed each other”- he’ll get it right later)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje My stomach hurts, Teacher Jejung, different printing!!!!!!! (1.02pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Never mind never mind~( ´ ▽ ` ) (1.05pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Which one? (Laughs) (1.06pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Tsk……Just missed each other and the stomach hurting! Maybe them both? (1.11pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Oops! Can’t be understood Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ (1.13pm KST)
(Ayumi) @mjjeje Teacher Jejung, your level is too high its dangerous.(1.14pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 Teacher Ayu…sorry. My Japanese is strange….(laughs) I’m off to work for now (^-^)/ (1.18pm KST)
Soulmate outing today~
(Jaejoong) Yoochun's here, I'll be going now^^ (1:12pm KST)
Jaejoong misses Junsu (what's new?) and his fear of English rears its ugly head... hehe
(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Junsu, are you doing well in your shows? (1:02pm KST)
(Junsu) @mjjeje The show's about to start~ You two are doing your jobs well too, right?? I'll be going now^^ (2:32pm KST)
(Jaejoong) Go, Junsu^^ Do well like you always do and I miss you! (4:26pm KST)
(John/English Tweet) @mjjeje Oh my god.... What are you doing bro??! That's hilarious. You're such a joker!!! ^^ kekeke (4:28pm KST)
(John/English tweet) @mjjeje Do you understand my English??^^ (4:29pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @elbowyeish Don't put me through such tests, hyung haha (4:31pm KST)
Any chance you'll come to Dubai? *puppy eyes*
(Jaejoong) Going to Korea tomorrow. (9:43pm KST)
Jaejoong and Fukutaro shows Shirota the Way of Twitter
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU Hey, hey~ (12.29am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje Yes, yes~ヽ(´ー`)ノ(12.30am KST)
(Fukutaro) @mjjeje Hey, Hey~ (Laughs) @U_and_YOU (12.30am KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU Let’s use twitter a lot! ~smiley face~ (12.31am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 What! (Laughs) (12.32am KST)
(Fukutaro) @mjjeje Interruption MAX!!! (12.33am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje Uhm, uhm, why are we using twitter even though we’re all together? (Laughs) (12.34am KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU This is the fun of twitter. (Laughs) (12.35am KST)
(Fukutaro) @U_and_YOU Because this is fun (Laughs) @mjjeje (12.35am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje I see~. I will learn from my seniors! Kamsahamnida (*´д`*)(12.36am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Well~ (Laughs) (12.38am KST)
(Fukutaro) @mjjeje Having a conversation on twitter (Laughs) It’s interesting (Laughs)(12.40am KST)
(Fukutaro) @U_and_YOU (Laughs) The twitter conversation is finally over (^^)/(1.11am KST)
(Fukutaro) Let’s talk a bit on twitter later(Laughs) ♪?( ̄ε ̄) @U_and_YOU @mjjeje(1.15am KST)
(Jaejoong) @U_and_YOU From now on your name is Yu yu (Laughs)(1.15am KST) (T/N: Shirota’s full name is Yu Shirota)
(Fukutaro)@mjjeje So its Yu yu~ It’s a cute name (*≧m≦*)(1.16am KST)
(Jaejoong) @fuku0501 Should your name be Fuku Fuku then? (1.16am KST)
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje Yes!! That’s right ('-^*)(1.17am KST)
(Shirota) @mjjeje So that means! Your name is Jeje( ´∀`)(1.25am KST)
(NOTE: For the Japanese translations, the posts were slightly edited to remove the RTs of the original message for some of the tweets)
I fear this child of ours is a lil' tipsy *twiddles fingers*
(Jaejoong) Nice to see you guys (4:06am KST)
Source: [Jaejoong+Junsu+Others' Twitter]
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[trans] 110225 JYJ twitter updates
He finally tells us what he's up to!
(Naoya) Are you having fun? RT @mjjeje I should sleep now, for tomorrow. Goodnight, everyone. Goodnight, have a good night. (2:27am KST)
(Jaejoong) @UN1982 It's only a photoshoot but I'm having a lot of fun(^-^)/ (9:35am KST)
All three are going on a trip down memory lane these days T_T
(Jaejoong) This is calling up memories from my mind KST)
Jaejoong is looking for Yoochun... Spill for our Japanese translator please~
(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Yoochun, where are you? (5:25pm KST)
Jaejoong's conversation with his Japanese friends~
(Lady Baba) @mjjeje Where are you at~? (5:01pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @yta14 In front of Meguro River. This is where all the members always walked (past) 5 years ago. (5:04pm KST)
(Lady Baba) I see(^-^) Meguro River, it's nice!! (5:06pm KST)
(Jaejoong) Yeah, I'll be on the move now! (5.10pm KST)
(Naoya) It's warm today isn't it. RT @mjjeje: 추억이떠오른 KST)
(Jaejoong) @UN1982 It's terrible. It's too warm. (5:19pm KST)
(Akio) @mjjeje Chúc ngủ ngon! ليله سعيدة و أحلام لذيذة Bom descanso! Noapte Buna! Noapte bună! Хорошая ночь! (1:26am KST)
(Jaejoong) @akionosuke (^-^)/ (5:24pm KST)
(Naoya) You get sleepy yeah~ RT @mjjeje It's terrible. It's too warm. (5:21pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @UN1982 Makes me want to date (t/n: blushing emoticon^^) (5:27pm KST)
You're using reverse psychology on us, aren't you? ICWUDT
(Jaejoong) The lighting from the vending machine, as expected (T/N: makes me look bad) (7:03pm KST)
Woah O__O Fans?
(Jaejoong) Tada~~ (7:11pm KST)
Jae Meets Fukutaro!
(Fukutaro) Getting Drunk~ (Laughs) (9.42pm KST)
Third time's the charm
(Jaejoong) Goodnight, goodnight, gooood night (1:58am KST)
Source: [Jaejoong+Others' Twitter]
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(Naoya) Are you having fun? RT @mjjeje I should sleep now, for tomorrow. Goodnight, everyone. Goodnight, have a good night. (2:27am KST)
(Jaejoong) @UN1982 It's only a photoshoot but I'm having a lot of fun(^-^)/ (9:35am KST)
All three are going on a trip down memory lane these days T_T
(Jaejoong) This is calling up memories from my mind KST)
Jaejoong is looking for Yoochun... Spill for our Japanese translator please~
(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Yoochun, where are you? (5:25pm KST)
Jaejoong's conversation with his Japanese friends~
(Lady Baba) @mjjeje Where are you at~? (5:01pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @yta14 In front of Meguro River. This is where all the members always walked (past) 5 years ago. (5:04pm KST)
(Lady Baba) I see(^-^) Meguro River, it's nice!! (5:06pm KST)
(Jaejoong) Yeah, I'll be on the move now! (5.10pm KST)
(Naoya) It's warm today isn't it. RT @mjjeje: 추억이떠오른 KST)
(Jaejoong) @UN1982 It's terrible. It's too warm. (5:19pm KST)
(Akio) @mjjeje Chúc ngủ ngon! ليله سعيدة و أحلام لذيذة Bom descanso! Noapte Buna! Noapte bună! Хорошая ночь! (1:26am KST)
(Jaejoong) @akionosuke (^-^)/ (5:24pm KST)
(Naoya) You get sleepy yeah~ RT @mjjeje It's terrible. It's too warm. (5:21pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @UN1982 Makes me want to date (t/n: blushing emoticon^^) (5:27pm KST)
You're using reverse psychology on us, aren't you? ICWUDT
(Jaejoong) The lighting from the vending machine, as expected (T/N: makes me look bad) (7:03pm KST)
Woah O__O Fans?
(Jaejoong) Tada~~ (7:11pm KST)
Jae Meets Fukutaro!
(Fukutaro) Getting Drunk~ (Laughs) (9.42pm KST)
Third time's the charm
(Jaejoong) Goodnight, goodnight, gooood night (1:58am KST)
Source: [Jaejoong+Others' Twitter]
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